1. Language: English is the only language allowed on this forum. If you are to make an attempt to post in another language, it will be deleted. An infraction may be issued to the account if they continue. If you want to message someone on the server in a different language, please use the Private Chat feature.
2. We understand that players like to have more than one game account, however. You only need ONE forum account, if you are to create more than one forum account they will simply be deleted. - The reason for this is because we have players coming onto the forum, creating posts, making another account and them bumping it and giving a good opinion on their own view.
3. No posting of explicit or illegal content such as pornography, warez, cracks, copyright content. If any of this is posted, it will be deleted and the user WILL receive an infraction.
4. DO NOT advertise in any way on this forum. This is WoW Apocalypse, not some other server. WE DO NOT expect people to post link's to other websites such as private servers or any other community. This WILL get your account deleted and your forum account banned.
5. This rule is common, it's requires players to use the 'search' function on our website, we would like to ask all players to research their question before they ask. We understand that you would post it instead of looking for it, but your question may already been posted before and searching can be quicker than waiting for a reply.
6. Think: What is it your posting. Questions outside a certain forum or post will be moved, locked or deleted. This involves posting a GameMaster application in Realm Chat.
7. Be NICE! It's not hard. Respect all members of the community INCLUDING the staff. Insults/Abuse towards staff/other members will NOT be tolerated.
Note: If you have a problem with another member, please report this to a Moderator. If the Moderator can't help you. Please PM one of the Administrators.
8. Do NOT double post; post the message once in the appropriate forum. This relates into '6' - If you are not sure on where a topic is supposed to go. Please post it in the General Chat and state you don't know where to place this.
9. Do NOT send questions to topics of discussion on this board by private messages or emailing Moderators or Admins. ALL questions WILL be ignored. Ignorance is NOT an excuse!
10. When creating a topic, pick a title that describes the content of the post at best.
11. No plagiarizing. This means you cannot copy other people's work and claim it for your own or to use it for your own without their permission.
12. We understand that players like to make their topic/post pretty, but if it's going off hand with capitals, special letters or any other language to draw attention to the post then it will be edited/removed.
13. The maximum size of the images on this forum to be posted are: 640x480
14. If you have nothing intelligent to say, such as 'Ok, I don't know sorry, yeah cool' then do NOT post. Your post must be reasonable and useful. This includes posting to increase your post count.
15. Old Thread? Let's BUMP! - No. Don't. bringing a topic older than 4 weeks back to life, unless you have a valid reason; such as new evidence or updates that will help the topic, will result in you being warned and then infracted if continued.